By Media 29 August 2022 | 11:00 am

Preserve Childhood With Love: CoinEx Charity Delivers Warmth to Sick Children in Venezuela

On August 19, a group of loving volunteers visited the Hospital Universitario Antonio Patricio de Alcalá (HUAPA) in Cumaná, Venezuela. Wearing costumes and acting as popular cartoon characters with kids, such as Spider-Man and Elsa, they shuffled between pediatric wards carrying books and toys as gifts to children suffering from illness. This event was meticulously planned by the global charity group CoinEx Charity, which provided the children with gifts including 500 cakes, 300 fruit packages, and 130 toys. CoinEx Charity hopes that the warmth and fun brought about can help ease their pain and help the children forget about their illness for a while.

On the day of the event, the children welcomed their special friends and received toys and gifts. They also got to play games with their favorite cartoon characters, filling the wards with laughter and joy. The cheerful mood helped the children relax and calmed their nerves: They forgot about their pain for a moment and immersed themselves in the joy and excitement of seeing the fantastic visitors.

Care for sick children as the guardian of childhood

Kids are confident and carefree because childhood is full of joy and wonder, but illness deprives some kids of this experience. In 2022, CoinEx Charity introduced the Multi-Million-Dollar Charity Fund to improve the living conditions of vulnerable groups worldwide. With a focus on the well-being of kids and teenagers, the organization has funded impoverished families with sick children to ease their financial and mental strain.

To make the event happen, CoinEx Charity recruited enthusiastic local actors for the surprise party. As mentioned above, the actors dressed up as beloved children’s cartoon characters, and encouraged the kids to fight their illness bravely. The organization created a wonderful cartoon world, as well as a happy childhood memory for the kids.

During the event, CoinEx Charity prepared gifts and snacks for the over 120 children in HUAPA Hospital, including 200 breakfasts, 300 fruit packages, 200 juices, 80 infant supplements, and 500 cakes. The gifts were a huge surprise to the kids receiving treatment in the ward. While at the hospital, CoinEx Charity received plenty of thanks from parents and doctors, and the kids also expressed their gratitude with happy smiles.

CoinEx Charity has never stopped pursuing its charitable goals. Apart from the visit to Venezuela, the organization has also been to Uniuyo Teaching Hospital in Nigeria and donated medical supplies for the children there. Recently, the group partnered up with the Turkey-based KAÇUV (Hope Foundation for Children with Cancer) to give children access to quality education.

Charity never stops

Charity requires dedicated efforts. Always committed to its original mission, CoinEx Charity continues contributing to the cause of protecting disadvantaged groups worldwide. Focusing on the living conditions of children around the world, it aims to evolve even further into a caring, compassionate organization devoted to charitable causes, while honoring its corporate responsibilities through real-world action.

In the future, CoinEx Charity will pay constant attention to the educational and living conditions of children with special needs. CoinEx Charity also calls on kind-hearted individuals around the world to care for vulnerable groups such as sick children and those struggling with all sorts of difficulties, going all-out to help and protect them. CoinEx Charity strives to build an enabling social environment for kids and give them a happy childhood. Together, we can do it!



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