By Ankit Gupta 16 November 2022 | 1:18 pm

What is Web 3.0? Difference Between Web 1.0 Vs Web 2.0 Vs Web 3.0

With advancements in technology, the web is evolving rapidly. Here is a quick comparison between Web 1.0 vs Web 2.0 vs Web 3.0.

Web 1.0 Vs Web 2.0 Vs Web 3.0


When the Internet came, no one knew it would be revolutionary. In August 1962, JCR Licklider proposed a new but monumental idea, computers that could conduct a conversation. When the first message was sent in 1963, the goal was to make computers more efficient. Today, you can see and communicate with people from different parts of the world or sell nft art online using the nft coins. We bet your forefather never saw this coming. However, the Internet made it all possible.

Almost immediately, the world became connected in a way that it was never connected before, and all credit went to the Internet that brought this revolutionary change. Then comes the Web. Today, in this article, we will discuss Web 1.0 vs Web 2.0 vs Web 3.0 in today’s world. So, without any further ado, let’s get into it!

Introduction to Web 1.0

The first generation of the Web is Web 1.0, which came into existence in the late ’80s and existed till 2004 or early 2000s. During this time, the built websites were straightforward. The Web was powered by HTML, CSS, and other first browsers. Hence, most of the time, web 1.0 is connected with the era of statics websites. If you look at the images or text of this era, those are mostly basic and do not carry high resolution.

Believe it or not, there were no good search engines in those days, which puts up a big question about the existence of the Internet. Many believed that these websites had little to no ability to make interaction possible. The only way to chat or interact was to send an email. Ultimately, what didn’t allow Web 1.0 to flourish and thrive because it was truly inaccessible. You either have to be a developer or a programmer to have access to web pages; hence, the existence of the Web was blurring with time.

Introduction to Web 2.0

The second stage of web evolution was web 2.0, which brought an explosion of new useful technologies. Instead of allowing everyone to read information, we moved into a world where a vast majority of people could exchange ideas or publish information with a click of a button. Hence, it can be said during the era of web 2.0;

its interaction capacities grew exponentially. One can relate this time to sites like Facebook or Youtube, where people post inspirational stuff. Berne Lee named it the “read-write” web as most things were readily available on the Internet, which was accessible to all. One major concern of this era was that the terminology used around web 2.0 was hugely inaccessible.

At this point, words like blogs, tagging, and wiki still seemed to be a long journey. Apart from this, podcasts were not at all a thing. Everyday problems are surfacing, spawning new and innovative methods of releasing material or making it widely accessible to the general public. In web 1.0, there was a massive issue regarding search engines. In web 2.0, it was nearly impossible to search blog posts and other social media stuff, which today is readily available.

This period also allowed the easy exchange of music, videos, and even photos which earlier was a task. Another thing that truly grabbed everyone’s attention during this time was the idea of storing information in the cloud while storing it locally on your system.

Another thing that powered this revolution was the app. Apple introduced a rich ecosystem called “there’s an app for that”. This ecosystem and cloud technology pushed all of us into the thriving era of the creator economy that we’re experiencing at the moment.

Features of Web 2.0

For a precise understanding of web 2.0 vs. web 3.0, it’s also critical to comprehend the specific qualities of web 2.0. These standout characteristics of web 2.0 are listed below.

  • Web 2.0 provides free information sorting, allowing users to retrieve and categorize the information together.
  • The provision of dynamic material that is highly responsive to user inputs is a key component of the second generation of internet services.
  • Web 2.0 also promotes online reviews and comments as means of communication between site visitors and site owners.
  • Web 2.0 made it possible for practically any internet-connected device, including televisions, smartphones, gaming consoles, and mobile devices, to access web content.
  • What’s most significant is that web 2.0 is also known as a participatory social web. Now, users could contribute to the creation and sharing of responsive content while also offering promising opportunities for collaboration. Therefore, it is obvious how important web 2.0 is for fostering the development of new online communities.

Introduction to Web 3.0

As we discussed, some problems or deficiencies in web 2.0 led our way to web 3.0. One prominent example of web 3.0 is bitcoin, the first-ever cryptocurrency. Web 3.0 is referred to as a “read- write-execute” web. According to Wikipedia, this term was initially coined in 2006 by John Markoff of the New York Times.

Many of the key themes of web 3.0 revolve around terms like nft meaning, what is DeFi, and so on. Toda we are on the verge of entering a world where we are transforming digitally, and each generation is on the path of advancement.

A more logical and consistent organization of the information is the goal of Web 3.0. A sophisticated metadata system is used by the third generation of the web. The semantic web is another name for this version of the internet. The metadata system helps with structuring and organizing various types of data so that it is usable by both people and computers.

Features of Web 3.0

  • Artificial intelligence is used in Web 3.0 to deliver correct results more quickly and give users access to real-time insights.
  • Web 3.0 has also provided users the opportunity to benefit from the possibilities of 3D graphics and imagery.
  • Another crucial element of Web 3.0 is the functionality of the semantic web. It implies that Web 3.0 might be applied to aid individuals in understanding what words mean. As a result, Web 3.0 will enable instant access to information for both humans and machines.
  • The key feature of greater privacy and security is also demonstrated by Web 3.0. Web 3.0 may have this feature.
  • User data and identity protection would be another area where web 2.0 and web 3.0 differ. Web 3.0 uses distributed ledger technology and encryption to provide improved authorization methods while protecting user identity and data.

Web 2.0 vs Web 3.0 — The Difference

1. Ownership

Web3 gives you a level of control over your digital assets that is unmatched. Consider the fact that you are currently playing a web2 game. A game item that you purchase with real money will be permanently linked to your user account if you do so. You won’t be able to get these back if the game’s creators decide to delete your account. Alternatively, if you stop playing the game, the value you have invested in your in-game possessions will be lost.

Through the use of non-fungible tokens, Web3 makes it possible to acquire direct ownership. Nobody, not even the game’s creators, has the right to take away your ownership of the game. Additionally, if you decide to stop playing the game, you can recoup the value of the virtual items you have gathered by offering them for sale, trade, or exchange on public marketplaces.

2. Driving Technologies

When talking about Web 2.0 technology, AJAX and JavaScript are the most frequently mentioned technologies, along with CSS3 and HTML5. Then artificial intelligence development experienced a spike, which was bound to have an impact on Web 3.0. Some of the cutting-edge technologies driving Web 3.0 include machine learning, deep learning, the semantic web, and decentralized protocols.

3. Native Transactions and payments

Web2 cannot accept payments from persons who do not have bank accounts or who happen to be located in a country that cannot accept their payments since its payment infrastructure is dependent on banks and payment processors. Web3 uses tokens like ETH and SOL to carry out its aim of allowing users to send money directly within the browser without the need for a reliable third party.

4. Objectivity

Bringing people together around the data they were interested in was Web 2.0’s primary objective. Due to its well-known decentralization, Web 3.0 unites this data in meaning while raising confidence in the information. As a result, as Web 3.0 personalizes information and broadens opportunities and rights, the communities that naturally developed around Web 2.0 disintegrate. You may manage your own data with Web 3.0. When huge corporations gained total control over our personal information in Web 2.0, trust issues were more prevalent.

The Final Words

It is crucial to mention that people have different definitions and opinions on all three types of Web: web 1.0, web 2.0, and web 3.0; however, no study has stated which one is the best.

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What is Web 3.0? Difference Between Web 1.0 Vs Web 2.0 Vs Web 3.0 was originally published in BuyUcoin Talks on Medium, where people are continuing the conversation by highlighting and responding to this story.

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